
Posts by this author:

Got Excuses? I Got Your Workout

The other day it dawned on me. If I, a dedicated youth/fitness/health/I-want-to-look-younger-and-somewhat-hot-warrior, am making excuses to avoid going to the gym, then she who is without FOGO (fear of getting older) may be making similar excuses. So I took an…


Come Dancing…It Can Make You Younger…And Fitter…And Sexier…And …

So, I have this fantasy that I’m on Dancing with the Stars. My partner is Maksim Chmerkovskiy, and his sweaty body is pressed up against mine as we tango across the dance floor. THIS IS A TEST. THIS IS ONLY…


A Letter From A Follower

I sometimes receive emails and DMs from women wanting to know what they can do to look and feel younger. Many of them are at a point in their lives where it’s not as easy as it once was to…


I tried Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture. Here are my thoughts…

Last week I wrote a rather passionate article (in my mind) on what I feel are the benefits of Botox. I realize though, that there are and will always be women who regardless of how deep their wrinkles get, they…


If Botox Still Scares You, Read This

I got my Botox education in Elementary School and in little league. Nearly 15 years ago, when my youngest son was in the first grade, the mom of one of his classmates, a doctor who practiced cosmetic procedures, gave me…


3 Steps To Softer, Smoother Skin

My obsession with willing the perfect non-dimpled thighs into existence has manifested in a number of ways throughout the years: I’ve massaged, rolled, kneaded, and wrapped. I’ve slapped my thighs with a ruler (upon the suggestion of a magazine when I…


43 Things

I just turned 55 and so I thought I’d share 43 things I’ve learned in those 55 years. Why 43 things and not 55? If you know me well, then you already know the answer to that question: I identify…


How Celebrities Prep For The Red Carpet…Or How I Prep For …

I’m not a fan of birthdays. To me, they’re a reminder that the clock is ticking, that my days are numbered, that I’m one year farther from my youth and one year closer to the grave. Call me insane (it’s…


“Walk This Way,” Says Youth. “Sit Over Here,” Says Aging.

 Most people know that exercise is good for the body and for health. But there’s so much more to walking than that. According to growing scientific evidence, walking has just as many benefits as other forms of exercise, including keeping…


My favorite facial sunscreens

The summer I turned 20, I went away on a trip to Greece with a bunch of other college students. When my parents picked me up at the airport three weeks later, they didn’t recognize me. Seriously, they walked right…


An Open Letter To Aging Women: That’s You

I was watching a youtube video the other night (it was a beauty video) and the woman — a beautiful 45-year-old — shared how sad and depressed she had been the day before. The reason she was so depressed? She…


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