
Posts by this author:

How To Beat The Mid-Life Blues: Or FU Middle Age!

There are times in life when it behooves us to be in denial, and middle age is one of those times. If the term keeps making an appearance in your life, following you around like a deranged stalker, and has…


Why I Let Myself Go…And Why I Brought Myself Back

This is the story of how I let myself go for exactly 22 days, 5 hours and 36 minutes. And what happened to my face and body as a result. Of course, I’m exaggerating. I tend to be a little…


The Only Hand Cream You Need For Younger-Looking Hands

I don’t normally dedicate an entire post to one single product. I’ve only done it once, here. I certainly never thought that I’d dedicate a post to a hand cream. And hand cream? With so many skincare products out there, how dare…


Anti-Aging Advice To My Younger Self

Do you sometimes wish you could go back and give your younger self some advice? Oh if only, right? Although, truthfully, I wouldn’t have listened. Stubborn is as stubborn was. Still, if I were to give my younger self any advice…


How To Pack For A Long Haul Marriage

Last week, on the 27th of April, we celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. Twenty-seven on the twenty-seventh. And as we embark on another year of marriage, we are having to confront many changes too: the empty nest, downsizing, getting older;…


How To Minimize Your Skincare Routine But Maximize The Results

If you’re like me, you’ve been spending a lot of time and money on skincare products, layering them on your skin in the tradition of your Korean grandmother (What? You don’t have a Korean grandmother?). You’ve been spending so much…


You Are Not Enough…And That’s Okay.

Almost every woman I talk to has wrestled with the feeling of not being enough. They go through life in a perpetual state of deficiency,  placating to their egos, or worse, seeking confirmation of their enoughness from others. The expression…


The Case For Botox Part Three: Botox FAQs Vs Fiction.

Botox still conjures images of frozen faces for some — not for me. For me, it conjures images of a younger self. But I get it. I hope that in the last couple of weeks I have shed some light…


The Case For Botox Part Two: The History

In my last post about Botox, I shared how I personally feel about this wonder ant-ager and how it has changed my life. Today, I want to give you the timeline of this toxin’s evolution and how it came to…


The Case For Botox: It’s About More Than Wrinkles

So many of you have shown concern over Botox since my last post on eye rejuvenation. I hadn’t realized there’s still so much misinformation and confusion about this anti-aging treatment. I take it for granted living in Miami, because, here, everyone…


How to make your eyes look younger…without surgery

I have to admit, there have been times when I’ve used “trendy sunglasses” to hide a multitude of sins —one too many margaritas, not enough hours of sleep, nachos, and of course, the signs of eye aging…ugh. When I was…


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