
Posts by this author:

If You’re Doing This, You’re Depleting Your Collagen

“Aging and its evidence remain life’s most predictable events, yet they also remain matters we prefer to leave unmentioned, unexplained.” Joan Didion I can think of little else these days than the loss of my collagen. It’s synonymous with the loss…


Your Old Stories Debunked…or You Are Not Scarlet O’Hara.

I was having a conversation with my sisters (I have two younger sisters) the other day about the importance of exercise and healthy eating. For years I have been trying to urge them to take better care of themselves, to…


Pumpkins Are This Season’s Anti-aging Superfood

It’s October already. ALREADY. Pumpkins are starting to appear in the grocery stores and I’m sure patches of these things are sprinkled all over your town. So when you see one at your grocery store remember, not all superfoods are…


Wellness Commute: the new way to self-care…on wheels.

Think you don’t have time for a morning routine? Well, I got ya. There’s a new trend in the wellness world. Self-care at it’s best and most efficient incarnation, and it’s being done on every freeway, every road, every country…


How This 3-Part Morning Routine Can Rejuvenate Your Face, Body and Soul

I like morning routines. I happen to have a morning routine. One that is such a necessary part of my day that if it’s interrupted or I am not able to do it (I’m talking to you, Burning Man), I…


Mission: Desert Shit-Storm or My Desert Skincare Routine

I’m sure you are well aware of my latest youth-adventure: Burning Man. Though it was certainly life-changing, thanks to a new skincare discovery, my skin didn’t change. It looked dewy, even-toned, and oddly hydrated. Unlike my questionable costume choices, my skincare…


My Experience at Burning Man

If you follow @sochicke on Instagram you may know that I just came back from Burning Man. You may ask, “What in the heck is Burning Man?” And I’ll answer that in a minute. First, why I went to Burning…


How To Know if to Fill or Freeze your face. A Cheat …

Botox and fillers and lasers, Oh my! Do you sometimes feel confused with all the different antiaging treatments available? Do you look in the mirror and know you need anti-aging intervention but don’t know where to start, what you need, or…


Why You Should Quit Sugar If You Want To Look Younger

Ugh. The fact that I’m starting a post with the word “ugh” should tell you how I feel about this subject. It pains me to write this, but unfortunately, we Chickies who want to have younger- ooking skin need to…


How To Rejuvenate For A Night Out

I’ve always enjoyed the ritualistic aspect of getting ready for a night out. I don’t know what it is exactly. Perhaps it’s indulging in a time that’s reserved just for me, or the element of play and fantasy. It’s superficial, certainly,…


Finally, 3 Hacks to Help You Tackle Your Nighttime Sugar Cravings

It’s no secret that I have a huge sweet tooth. I will take dessert over a main course any day (unless the main course is a Five Guys cheeseburger and fries). My sweet cravings spike at night too, after dinner…


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