Come Dancing…It Can Make You Younger…And Fitter…And Sexier…And it’s Fun

Come Dancing…It Can Make You Younger…And Fitter…And Sexier…And it’s Fun

So, I have this fantasy that I’m on Dancing with the Stars. My partner is Maksim Chmerkovskiy, and his sweaty body is pressed up against mine as we tango across the dance floor.


Let’s see if my hubby really does read the blog. Ha!

But seriously, that show made we want to dance. Since watching the first season, I have been toying with the idea of dance lessons with the hubby as a fun date-night thing. But — and I’m not being mean, I’m being honest — the hubby can’t dance to save his life. To his credit, though, he does have some good disco moves left as remnants of the days when disco didn’t suck (that’s a reference only those who lived disco will understand), that I can only attribute to muscle-memory — but that’s as far as that talent goes. So I never seriously contemplated dancing as a couple.

But at a networking event recently I was offered a complimentary dance lesson from the owner of a local dance studio. To be honest, my first thought was, WTF? What am I, 80? Isn’t that what old-timers do to stay active? In fact, that’s what I said. Out loud.

But Vera, the owner of the dance studio, informed me that although this is a common misconception, the reality is that ballroom dancing has become very popular with younger students (and by younger she means 35 and above, which in my world is younger). She also persuaded me to give it a try…SOLO, as in I get to dance with a sexy Russian partner and live out my sweaty fantasy (I’m making that part up).

Regardless, I couldn’t in my right mid-life-crisis-ish mind turn it down. That would not only make me really really stupid, but it would be a waste of a perfectly good mid-life crisis. Don’t you think?

As if possibly living out a fraction of my fantasy wasn’t enough to convince me (it is), Vera told me about the studies that link dancing to longevity and youth. One look at Vera who at 37 looks 20, and I was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would dip my pointed toe into the dance arena.

So as part of my unofficial but very serious post-graduate work in midlife-crisis studies, and my constant efforts to get uncomfortable as a means to personal growth, I booked my dance class the very next day.

I show up to my dance lesson as excited as a nerd on the first day of elementary school (that nerd was I). Would my instructor be hot as Maksim Chmerkovskiy? Would he even be Russian? I kept my fingers crossed and my hopes high.

Before I tell you about my experience, this is the science:

♥ Studies do show that dance has many benefits, including anti-aging (source) and (here), so why not take preventative measures and target the decline in mental and physical fitness issues before they happen?

If you’re thinking, OK Awesome, V, Marlene — whatever your name is — but I’m not 80 so that study doesn’t really pertain to my stage in life.

I thought the same thing. But then this thought followed: how great to know that in 20 or 30 years I can still be active in a way that is also fun. Admittedly, I also fear that my partner will be pressing up against me to keep future me from falling over, but whatever — I’m staying positive here.

For now though, since I’m still youngish, I like this for the adventure and for the pleasure of doing something outside my comfort zone… and the cardio. Because I don’t want to leave anything on the table of life, you know? I want to try it all and I want to be fit while doing it.

So back to my partner…

His name is Vince, not Max, and he’s American, not Russian. But he is still very cute and very tall and a great dance instructor. He guided me through introductory rumba steps, some waltz, a little salsa which, being Cuban, I nailed. And then…the dance I was waiting for. I think I may have jumped up and down clapping my hands like an excited seal when he said, “Now for the Tango.”

And while I was tango-ing, I couldn’t help thinking, Why didn’t I do this sooner? Why did I wait for someone to serve this up on a platter instead of self-serving?

And that is the takeaway…

I think we’re all creatures of habit to some degree. Does that happen to you? You have something in your head that you’d like to try but you never actually take the plunge, and it goes on the list, of something-I’d-like-to-try-if-I-was-braver… or younger or thinner or weren’t so busy or or or…

We require a push, a shove, and incentive to get us to try something new, to take risks, to push ourselves outside our zone of safety. Then we try that new thing, and wonder why we didn’t do it sooner?

Stepping outside of our comfort zones is really really hard, especially in the middle years. Which is why a mid-life crisis is such an awesome and invaluable opportunity for growth. Think of it like this: If you’re not pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, you’re not able to grow — you stay stagnant. Staying stagnant contributes to aging prematurely. So E = mc^2…

If you’re not growing, you’re aging.

After the lesson, Vince sat with me to go over the plans they offer, I listened politely, but my mind had been made up —he had me at the Tango.

So I am happy to announce that I am now officially a ballroom dance student. If I’m brave enough, I may post a few videos on my Instagram @sochickie.. so stay tuned. When you read this, I’ll have had two lessons, and present me is super excited.

Look, it’s not about dancing (although if you want a fun way to work out, this is your new jam). It’s about getting out there and trying new things…having new adventures so you don’t stay stagnant and shrivel up (literally and metaphorically speaking). Wiggle your hips outside of your comfort zone, get uncomfortable, and experience everything life has to offer. That’s how you grow, that’s how you grow younger, and that’s how you become more interesting. How sexy!

So dance… ballroom dance or belly dance or pole dance. (One down, two to go for me…stay tuned for that.) Try something new. Whatever gets you excited and looking forward to the future, whatever gets your body moving and your heart soaring. It’s doing something rejuvenating for your body and your soul. Two birds, one stone, and one youthful life.

As for the hubby. He took one look at Vera and considered taking up ballroom dancing. Should I be jealous? Hmm.


Have you tried something new and exciting? Give me some ideas.




  1. July 31, 2019 / 2:04 pm

    Way to go, V-Marlene-whatever your name is!! 😉 Weird little facts. My first job was as a dance instructor assistant for an adult ballet beginners class. I was maybe 12…but tall…serious…very mature. And I’ve been dancing my whole life. That said, partner dancing has eluded me. My ex-hubby and I tried…he got lessons for us for Xmas and it was a disaster. He couldn’t get over the idea that I was judging him. I wasn’t – I was too busy trying to keep me feet out of the way. He ended up taking dance lessons on his own (we were taking “a break”), fell in love with his instructor and when we eventually divorced, he wound up married to her. Mind you I DON’T see that being a cautionary tale – more a point that dance has played a critical, albeit somewhat heartbreaking role in my life since I was able to walk. I DID fall in love on a dance floor once in my life – and it’s a cherished memory. I’m thrilled you’ve embraced this. (I “yelled” at you about mid-life crisis on IG – seriously! I WAY prefer the upgrade approach. In our world software (brains) and hardware (bodies) are upgraded all the time. Do we have the iPhone Midlife Crisis or the iPhone XS Max? You are Marlene 2.0 Hardware and software upgrade in place. New features constantly added. I mean, who would want a “model” in its early phases? The kinks haven’t been worked out. It’s still buggy. The operating system has glitches and hasn’t been optimized. There’s too little input to improve upon. But the tested, true, released and re-released…ah now…that’s where you put your money. At least that’s my tech nerd take. And yes – you will see this theme show up in my blog. 😉 XO

    July 31, 2019 / 6:07 pm

    Love it! Can’t wait. And good riddance to the ex.

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