Shallow Pursuits In The Face of Fear and Uncertainty

Shallow Pursuits In The Face of Fear and Uncertainty

First, a disclaimer of sorts. We’re all living an unprecedented event in our lives and I understand that anti-aging is and seems a very shallow thing with which to concern myself in the face of fear and uncertainty. But rather than venting to you about the times I have freaked out over the past couple of weeks or the worry I feel for my parents, my children, the economy, etc. I will distract you with my shallow worries instead.

Because even in hard times like these, I still have a mirror in which I can see myself, and I’m still me.

My dermatologist called today to reschedule my Botox appointment to the end of April (for now).

I panicked.

And I felt the physical expression accompanying my inner panic as I got the news: the movement of my forehead in the form of a frown and creasing of the space between my brows.

Oh shit. My Botox has worn off. What do I do now?

A vision of myself emerging from my home when this quarantine is over, wrinkled and ragged, gray scraggly hair poking out, cheeks hollowed and sunken from the absence of filler (and collagen), my skin gray and dull, my body without the effects gym equipment.

I know. Shallow. Vain. Not important in the grand scheme of things.

And yet.

How can I identify as younger without Botox and a perky ass?

I thought about this subject hard. I questioned my sanity (or I should say, my sanity is questionable). I hesitated before writing this. But then I thought, No.

Now is not the time to let ourselves go.

On the contrary. Although it seems frivolous and shallow in the face of real adversity, (and it is to some extent), staying on top of your beauty game is necessary for our spirit.

Think about it. If you’re used to taking care of yourself like I am, that is your normal. And what we need now more than ever is normalcy. We need routines and rituals that will help us ride this wave for as long as necessary.

We need ritual now more than ever.

We need routine more than ever.

We need to turn our focus away from the heavy more than ever.

We need our sanity more than ever.

We need to soothe and pamper and tend to our body and spirit now more than ever. And if that includes the frivolous pursuit of beauty and youth, then so be it.

So delight in the care of your self. All of it. In and out. You have time now to dedicate to you — to take your time with your skincare routine, to take long baths, to use hair masks and face masks, to massage your skin, to moisturize your body.

Laugh when you can, forget about the laugh lines and crow’s feet left behind. You can smooth those out later.

Sit still and breathe. Go inward. Focus on what you can control now. You can control how you take care of your face, your body, and your spirit.

Plan. Think about the direction you want your life to take once this is over. Meditate on what you have learned about yourself and your life.

This too shall pass and when it does, we may all emerge with more wrinkles that need Botoxing, and cheeks that need filling, but we will be rested and cared for and ready to tackle life and our youth…one wrinkle at a time.

Stay safe, Chickies.




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