How to Stay Sane and Boost Your Immune System During The Corona Outbreak

How to Stay Sane and Boost Your Immune System During The Corona Outbreak

I don’t know about you, but I feel as if I’m living in an alternate universe, or like I’m in the wrong movie. This Corona Crap (that’s what I’m calling it) is bonkers! Anyhow, this week I’m sharing what our family is doing to stay healthy and sane, and some resources that you may find helpful during all the chaos and confusion.

I’ve been spending a lot of time this week researching COVID-19 because I can’t and won’t get my Corona info from the evening news  (or my mother) — and you probably shouldn’t either (the news, not my mother, unless you know her and then, a warning: DO NOT TALK TO HER!).

Get your information from reputable sources like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) websites instead.

We are living in uncertain times and most of us, me included, don’t know how to deal with this pandemic. All we can do is to stay sane and take basic precautions.

Precautions, not paranoia.

The worst thing we can do is to become hysterical…that weakens the immune system. To counteract the fear and loss of control that this virus is causing, we should focus on what we can control. In our family, we’re focusing on strengthening our immune system and taking the recommended precautions.

A Healthy Diet

Our first line of defense is good health practices — the things we can do to keep our immune system strong and healthy. And this starts with what we put in our mouths.

If the fear of premature aging, gaining weight or heart disease and cancer hasn’t gotten you to clean up your diet, then maybe Corona will.

The importance of a well-balanced diet is now more important than ever. This means a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains including nuts and seeds.

If you haven’t already done so,  try to reduce your intake of refined sugar and processed foods. Now is not the time to be a junk food junkie.

Sugar weakens the immune system and reduces the effectiveness of vitamin C in the body (source)

Believe me, I know this is tough, because when my stress levels go up, so do my sugar cravings. But it’s important to eat as healthfully as possible. We must strengthen our bodies if we want to fight disease.

Confession: I just ate a candy bar. A candy bar! I was at the checkout line at the drugstore stocking up on vitamins and I saw it…a Kitkat bar. I bought it and I ate it. I hadn’t eaten a candy bar since the 1980s when I had big hair and a fast metabolism.

Fucking Corona made me do it. (sorry, but sometime F-bombs are very necessary).

Also, if you’re the person who can’t eat when stressed, then lucky you, now is not the time to not eat. It weakens your immune system.

Take Your Vitamins

I read that you shouldn’t go crazy, which is why I only spent $197 on supplements at the same drugstore where I purchased the Kitkat bar.

If you’re getting your nutrients from your food, you should be good. But it won’t hurt to make extra sure you’re getting these…

Vitamin D: You should be taking vitamin D anyway because most of us are deficient. Studies have shown that it can help strengthen your immune system too. (source)

Vitamin C:  We know this. Vitamin C supports your immune system by increasing the levels of white blood cells, which are important for fighting infection. (source)

Zinc: Helps the white blood cells fight infections and helps them to release antibodies. (source)


Regular exercise improves our immune system and reduces stress. Now more than ever, we need to keep our bodies moving. It’s good for the body and the mind. (source)


A lack of sleep can have an adverse effect on your immune system and make you more susceptible to catching a virus such as a cold.

As a general rule, it is recommended that we get 7-9 restorative hours every night. (source)


Easier said than done these days. But stress increases levels of cortisol, which weakens our immune system.

Our mental health will be challenged in the weeks and months to come. We now know the closely linked relationship between mind and body, and the relationship between stress and immunity (source). Yoga, meditation, breathing, walking, journaling, anything that will ease your spirit is so necessary right now. Spend time with family and take a break from social media and the news. Watch a funny movie or TV show instead.

Practice Good Hygiene

You know the drill by now. Wash your hands, especially after going to the bathroom and again before you eat anything. And keep your hands away from your face.

But your emotional hygiene needs care too.

Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

I know.

But drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can affect your immune system and reduce the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. So just for now, lets practice moderation. When all this is over, we can all celebrate by getting crazy drunk and eating cake. I’m buying. (source)

Quit Smoking

If you’ve been around this space for a while, then I’m assuming you already quit smoking because it makes you old and it makes your skin look old.

But if you’re new here and you’re still a smoker, your immune system will suffer from the effects of nicotine. The toxins in cigarettes can damage your body’s immune system and the excess mucus in the lungs smoking causes can lead to lung infections. (source)

Until this pandemic ends, we can all try to stay informed, alert and calm.

In moments when I start to freak out (after I talk to my mother), I focus on my breath and on the present moment.

As Martha Beck says, “We can always cope with now.”

Sending you prayers, love, and light. And when I would normally say, stay young, I’m saying, stay healthy and sane. We can turn our focus back on looking younger when this is all behind us.



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