Book Recommendations for Your Quarantine

Book Recommendations for Your Quarantine

How are you doing? Really, how are you coping with our new normal? If you’re like me, I keep trying to look for the escape button, or secretly hope that I’ll turn on the news and someone will say, “2020 Fools!” and that this is one big joke on humanity.

For now, though, I’ve been escaping into my beloved books, I am currently reading three and listening to one on audible. If you’re a book-lover like me and want some good recommendations, I’ve got some for ya.

Here we go…

I just finished this one, and although I don’t think it’s one of her better books if you’re looking for a light read amidst all the heaviness, this one is it. About showgirls in 1940, NYC, and all the debauchery they get into. A great beach read, but since we can’t go to the beach, a good quarantine read.


This story is so unbelievable, and the writing is beautiful. Dani Shapiro is one of my favorite authors at the moment.

This is her story about finding out, after having a DNA test done, that her father was not her biological father. And with that, everything she knew about her life, her heritage, her family, fell apart as she then sets out to find her real father. (I won’t spoil it for you).

This book reads like a mystery novel. I literally could not put it down.


One of my favorite books of all time. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will never forget it. This story spans over 60 years and is narrated by Leo Gursky, a grumpy, elderly man who immigrates to New York from Nazi-occupied Poland. He spends his days terrified that no one will notice when he dies. And this book has one of my favorite first lines ever (nerd alert). It goes like this: “When they write my obituary. Tomorrow. Or the next day. It will say, LEO GUSRSKY IS SURVIVED BY AN APARTMENT FULL OF SHIT.”

That’s Leo.

This is a yummy, heartwarming story to escape into. Promise.


Another memoir. This book is beautifully written and so inspirational.

The author was raised in a strict Mormon family who opposed public education. She didn’t attend school until she was 17 years old, but defies her family and the odds and goes on to attend Cambridge University and Harvard, as a visiting fellow.

This is such an interesting story about family, tradition and following your heart. LOVED IT.

I hope this helps fill your time with something other than our current situation. And please, if you have some books you want to recommend, leave it in the comments.

Stay safe and isolate.





  1. Chloë
    July 24, 2020 / 12:42 am

    I listened to Educated on Audible recently. Completely agree with you on that one – fascinating. I’ve also listened to Michelle Obama’s book, Becoming. Narrated by the good woman herself – truly inspiring and I found the bits about meeting and dating Obama really amusing. Just started The Testaments which is Margaret Atwood’s follow up to A Handmaid’s Tale. I was putting it off because I thought it might be a bit too heavy in current times but it’s really gripped me and would thoroughly recommend (I mean the times are bad, but they could be worse!). Anyway just discovered this website and I really like it. Thanks for giving some light relief to the dreaded concept of aging !

      September 30, 2020 / 4:43 pm

      Oh Chloe, you do not know how much I needed to read that. Thank you! ANd I have seen the wonderful Margaret Atwood’s new book (I love the cover). I’ll put it on my to-read list.

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