Wellness Commute: the new way to self-care…on wheels.

Wellness Commute: the new way to self-care…on wheels.

Think you don’t have time for a morning routine? Well, I got ya. There’s a new trend in the wellness world. Self-care at it’s best and most efficient incarnation, and it’s being done on every freeway, every road, every country lane —

Not really.

At least I don’t think it’s a trend. Yet. But who knows? Maybe now it will be. Because driving in traffic, whether its Miami traffic or LA traffic or NYC traffic or wherever-the-heck-you-live traffic is one of the most stressful, rage-provoking, patience-testing activities you can do — and you need, we need, a solution. And I found one. One that not only helps to de-stress, but that may actually make you look forward to your daily commute. What, what?

It’s your wellness commute. I call it Self-care on Wheels.

What are you talking about now, woman?

Is that what you’re asking? My sane side, the one that lives alongside my not-so-sane side, asks this all. the. time.

But stick with me. It’s genius.

If you’ve ever driven in rush-hour traffic, you know.

This is probably your brain on traffic — a commuters stream of consciousness:

*warning, there’s some profanity.

What a waste of time. I’m not getting any younger. There are so many other things I can be doing, have to do, don’t have time to do. Why is that moron cutting me off? FML! I’m never gonna get there. I hate this song. Does this horn work? GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU IDIOT! Breathe. I’m hungry. I need more coffee. Did I lock the door? Did I turn off the iron?  CAN YOU GO ANY SLOWER?! Damn, I forgot to take my vitamins. I need a manicure. Woah, is that me in the rearview mirror? HEY, DUDE, YOU CUT ME OFF! Is that a new wrinkle? Why is it so bright? Do I really look like that? I need Botox. I need sex. I need a vacation. YOU ALMOST HIT ME, MOTHERFUCKER! Why, why, why? I need to chill out. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! Okay, calm down, that asshole is someone’s grandmother. Are you being the best version of yourself? I HATE TRAFFIC! AHHHH!!!!!

Here’s the truth…

Driving in traffic raises your cortisol levels.

High-cortisol levels = Aging.

It’s been proven.

You gotta check your stress at the car door and find ways to keep your cortisol levels low, calm down, and do a little on-the-go maintenance (on you, not your car) while you’re at it. Plus you can actually learn something new too. And if you read last week’s post on morning routines and thought, I don’t have time for a morning routine.

Guess what? Now you do.

Step right into your new wellness retreat. Your car (or a train or a plane). Your ride (and life) is about to change.

Here’s what you need to turn your stressful commute into a wellness commute…

Sheet mask: You should know by now that I love a good sheet mask. They’re convenient and effective in hydrating your skin. Plus I don’t know about you, but the minute I put that cold hydrating mask on my face, I automatically relax. It sends a signal to my brain’s pituitary gland that I’m about to take some much needed me time and the stress thoughts and reminders better you better take a ride (in this case, in another car).

Bonus: you can freak your fellow commuters out…disarm them, give them a little comic relief in the morning. Remember, they’re just as stressed out as you are.

So when someone cuts you off, instead of shooting them the bird, just drive by and wave while you’re wearing the mask. Lighten the mood a little. You’ll be doing your part to change the world, Chickie…putting out good energy instead of being an energy vampire yourself.

Now, I don’t want you getting into a car accident because the eye holes on your mask didn’t let you see the car that was coming up beside you and then have you blame me for it. “But, officer, SOCHICKIE told me to wear a mask while I drive.”

For the love of everything hole-y, make the eye holes bigger so it doesn’t block your peripheral vision.

let’s move on then.

Sun-protection gloves: 

Your hands at the wheel are being submitted to premature aging from UV rays. Here’s the solution.

Purchase a pair of sun-protective driving gloves like the ones I have. Slather on your favorite hand lotion before putting on the gloves and you will be preserving and preventing the signs of hand aging as you drive.

You can also buy these super hydrating disposable gloves from Target. You can use them on your way to work and on your way back home. I’ve used these up to 4 times and they still work. And they’re only three bucks.

Work out your glutes: 

Yes, you read that correctly. It’s called crunching and you’ve done it before. Like when you’re trying to hold in something that wants to escape from your body but you’re at a cocktail party or on a date or at the gym. Tighten up those glutes so nothing can get by. Put on your favorite song and crunch to the beat of the music. Or count to one hundred. I promise you, Chickie, by the time you arrive at your destination, your glutes will be on FIYA.

I’m doing it now. Crunch, crunch…

Get inspired:

Download some podcasts or an audiobook and listen to something that will entertain or inspire you, make you laugh, or teach you something. Here are some of my favorites…

Oprah Super Soul Conversations

Earn Your Happy, with Lori Harder

How to Fail, with Elizabeth Day

The Lively Show

Relationships, the Good & the Messy, with Sally Kalan

The Time Ferris Show

Under the Sun, with Russell Brand

Here are a few of my favorite audiobooks too…

What I know for Sure, by Oprah Winfrey

Calypso, by David Sedaris

Follow your North Star, by Martha Beck

Rising Strong, by Brene Brown

The Surrender Experiment, by Michael Singer

Thrive, by Ariana Huffington

Goldie: A Lotus Grows in the Mud, by Goldie Hawn

The Universe Has Your Back, by Gabrielle Berstein

Learn a new language:

Well, why not?

I’m practicing my Italian with these podcasts…

Coffee Break Italian

30-minute Italian

They have podcast to learn any language. For free. Pick a language, download and learn as you drive.

The point is that your commute doesn’t have to be stressful or a waste of time. You can actually use it to become a calmer, more knowledgeable, more pampered you.

There is so much that is under your control. There is so much that can be done while you drive. You no longer have to be a slave to your commute. You may even end up looking forward to having that time for you, to learn, grow and rejuvenate.

Picture this: you’re driving. Your hands are being softened and protected by soft gloves, the sheet mask on your face is hydrating your skin while giving someone who may need it a laugh. You’re drinking your coffee or tea or celery juice or water, and you’re listening to a super interesting podcast that’s making you consider a new point of view or is inspiring you to make a change in your life. Or you are learning a new language…something you’ve always wanted to do but never had time for. You feel calm and …happy. You let drivers cut in front of you. You smile at them. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the rearview mirror and smile at yourself too. Look at what you are doing for yourself today. You are not worried about getting to work (or wherever you are going) on time because this ride is just too relaxing — too magical. You may even decide to sing along to an uplifting song. Maybe a song from your past that gets you reminiscing about the good-ole-days…except, wait… it’s still the good-ole days. Or you are repeating words in a foreign language and it’s giving you the travel bug. You feel something you haven’t felt in a long time. It’s excitement. How you’ve missed that feeling. You think, Wow, this is an amazing ride. And you’re not just referring to your commute.

Drive safe!










When I was pregnant with my first son, I had an hour-and-a-half-long commute to work. I got really good at multi-tasking on the go. I’d eat my breakfast (McDonald’s drive thru…that was the old me) apply my makeup and drive a stick-shift in stop and go traffic.

I know.

I was young and stupid. Well…not that young (32), just stupid.

Now if i have to drive for on periods of time although I rarely do, my mutlitasking taeke on a diffeent



  1. Christine
    October 3, 2019 / 6:20 am

    Awesome post!! These are all part of the reason my four hour drive to get my hair done is tolerable. It’s a mini vacation in the car! Last time I did about 5,000 isometric crunches and glute squeezes, moisturized my hands with my solar protection gloves (you know where I picked up THAT trick! 😉 ), and listened to a bunch of podcasts and language lessons. If I didn’t know better…I’d swear we might be twins! This is a great reminder to do it on my short daily commute. And addition to my mantra “I’m not in a rush. Breathe deeply. This isn’t worth dying for…”

    • positivelyvie@gmail.com
      October 5, 2019 / 4:09 pm

      We’re sisters from another mister, for sure.

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