Your Old Stories Debunked…or You Are Not Scarlet O’Hara.

Your Old Stories Debunked…or You Are Not Scarlet O’Hara.

I was having a conversation with my sisters (I have two younger sisters) the other day about the importance of exercise and healthy eating. For years I have been trying to urge them to take better care of themselves, to change their eating habits (they’re pitiful) and to exercise (they don’t).

But all I got in return were stories. Stories that I have been hearing from them for years. Stories that have kept them from achieving their health goals. Stories that have kept them complaining about the status quo.


And I thought that if they have stories then many of you may have similar stories. (Well, not you, Chickie, but maybe a newcomer to this site.)

So below is a list of story excuses (that’s what I call them) you too may be making….and I’m debunking every one.

So if this is your repertoire, it’s time to change the narrative and finally get the results you want.

Story: But, Chickie, I’m a very busy woman. I have a job, kids, grandkids, a cat, two dogs, a parakeet.

You’ve heard it before but it’s true: we all have the same 24 hours in a day. It’s about what you prioritize. Obviously we all have obligations and things that pull us in one direction or another, but if you don’t prioritize your health and wellbeing, you are not going to show up as your best self.

Take care of YOU and you will show up a more relaxed, healthier and happier version of you. Your zoo will get the best of you, not the scraps.

Story: I’m so tired at the end of the day.

You’re tired at the end of the day partly due to poor diet and lack of exercise. I’ve noticed that when I eat a lot of crap my body retaliates by being tired and lazy. When I stop exercising, my body gets used to little movement and it takes more effort to begin exercising again.

You have to push yourself, Chickie. Push through the tired. Circumvent the obstacles and doubts. This reminds me of a children’s book I used to read to my boys. “We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We have to go through it.”

Try cutting out sugar and processed carbs, and eat real whole foods. Drink more water because you may also be dehydrated. And move your body every day. These simple habits will give you more energy. Promise.

Story: I need my morning sleep.

Go to be one hour earlier, that gives you an extra hour in the morning. Get 7-9 good quality hours of sleep (that’s what the experts recommend) and then you’re good to go.

Story: You don’t know how hard I work (said in a whinny voice). 

I’ll tell you what I tell the hubby when he has a pity party for one: Let me go get you a violin.

Story: And I’m juggling a million things.

You’re a woman, juggling is our superpower. One of the balls needs to be your health. Another ball needs to be your joy.

Story: I’m too tired to cook at the end of the day. It’s easier to pick something up. but it may not be that healthy.

As a non-cook myself, I get this. But guess what? Sticking a piece of salmon (super good for your skin) in the oven, sauteeing veggies and making a salad takes little effort and little time. If I can do it, so can you.

Try batch cooking and prepping your meals one day a week too. Cut up some veggies and store them in the fridge ready to sautee, steam or roast in the oven. Buy a cooked rotisserie chicken from your grocery store (that’s something I do too.) Make a quick stir-fry.

I have an email going out soon with quick, healthy recipes. Make sure you’re subscribed so you can get it.

Story: I need the sugar, it gives me energy.

Sugar gives you a sugar high by raising your blood sugar levels. Eventually, you get a crash. Then you need more sugar. It’s a drug. It’s not good for your body and its not good for your skin. And it’s certainly not good if you want to look younger.

If you have it once in a while, that’s fine. I had a cookie yesterday. And yes, I had guilt. But I too have moments of weakness. I don’t make it a habit so I got over it.

If you do nothing else, I urge you to cut the sugar. That alone will make a huge positive change in how you feel and how you look.

Not convinced? Read this.

Story: But I’m French, I have to have dessert. ( I actually heard this from someone.)

ll faut sufrir pour etre belle. You have to suffer to be beautiful.

Story: I don’t like gyms…or I can’t afford a gym membership.

You don’t need a gym to get in shape. If you have a computer and wifi you can get a ton of workout videos in the comfort of your own home. Email me or DM me on Instagram @sochickie, and I’ll give you a list of good youtube workouts.

If you have legs, you can take them outside for a walk, run, bike ride, rollerblade.

Story: I’m too fat to go to a gym…or I’m too old to go to a gym.

Guess what? Everyone at the gym is more concerned about how they look than how you look. NOBODY CARES. If you feel you’re too out of shape, a gym will help you get in shape. If you think you’re too old for a gym, a gym will help you look and feel younger.

Story: I hate exercise.

Il faut sufrir pour etre belle. Lesson from above.

Story: My husband doesn’t help. He eats junk in front of me. Bastard!

You’re are right, he is a bastard. But are you going to let that bastard prevent you from being the youngest and most awesome version of yourself? Or are you going to resent him from now until you’re wheeled together into the old folks home?

You do you. You have to want it bad enough so that no matter what anyone is doing around you, it won’t deter your efforts. Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it sucks that your husband or your children or the person sitting next to you at work or on the train or in a cafe, or your great aunt or cousin twice removed are all sabotaging your efforts by not being sensitive to your goals.

Get over it. It’s not their job to do you. It’s your job to do you.

You may even set a good example and get them to change their evil ways.

Story: It’s too cold outside for a run..or It’s too hot.

You don’t want it bad enough. Check yo self before you wreck yo self.

Story: Who the hell has time to meditate?

Do you have 5 minutes? That’s all it takes. Sit still for 5 minutes and focus on your breathing. Do it now.

Story: I don’t know how to meditate.

It’s called a meditation practice for a reason. You have to practice and then practice some more. And then practice for life.

Story: What’s the point it’s October already…I’ll just start again January first.

The point is it’s October already and if you want to feel like you accomplished something, if you want to feel like you did something this year that was for the benefit of your health and longevity and sexiness and youth, then you wll not waste any more time and start today. You still have two and a half months.  You can make lasting changes in two and a half months.

Story: I already f**cked up today, I’ll start tomorrow; after all, tomorrow is another day!



These are stories. I know because I’ve told these stories to myself in the past. Where do you think I got them from?

If you don’t let go of the stories you have been telling yourself or stop the habit of making excuses you won’t develop the habits that will change your body from unhealthy to healthy, from out of shape to toned, from old-looking to young-looking.

So no more stories.

We ain’t got time for that, Chickie.

So let’s do this. Let’s finish the year strong. Let’s all feel proud of doing the hard things. Let’s feel confident and healthy and like the badass chicks that we are.


What are the stories you tell yourself? Do you make some of the same ones?





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