How This 3-Part Morning Routine Can Rejuvenate Your Face, Body and Soul

How This 3-Part Morning Routine Can Rejuvenate Your Face, Body and Soul

I like morning routines. I happen to have a morning routine. One that is such a necessary part of my day that if it’s interrupted or I am not able to do it (I’m talking to you, Burning Man), I feel frazzled, out of sorts (bitchy and bitchy), an old. So I’m giving you some tips on what to incorporate into your morning to get you on a track to better health (physically and mentally) and to rejuvenate your face, body and most especially, your soul.

Recently I was watching a youtube channel on morning routines. I won’t mention what channel I was watching because it doesn’t matter, most “morning routine” pushers do the same thing: make you feel that if you are not using a tongue scraper, oil pulling, drinking celery juice followed by a turmeric latte followed by a green smoothie followed by a 20-minute meditation, a yoga session, a run around the block, sage-ing your house (I actually do that as of late), setting intentions, invoking the spirits of health and wellness and good eyebrows, you’re a failure in life and you suck.

My inner cynic was calling out BULLSHIT before the Youtuber was done chugging her smoothie. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at the ridiculousness (is that a word?) of the thing, thinking Paleeze, who are you trying to kid?

Who the hell has time for that?

So it got me thinking about this morning-routine craze and who started it. Was it Oprah? And why didn’t Oprah or whoever, start this preaching about morning routines earlier, like when I was in the throws of raising little children and could’ve benefitted from a little “me time.” I could’ve been such a better mother and wife…and a better, less anxious me.

No matter. If you’re late to the morning solo-party of self-survival, I got you. If you’re not convinced you need a morning routine, are a little suspicious of all this self-care mumbo-jumbo, trust me now, thank me later…

You need a morning routine so you can take time for what matters most…YOU.

If nothing else, a morning routine makes it possible for you to take a few minutes (or however long you need) to start the day doing something healthy for your mind and your body. And to set you up for a better day. If you screw it up later, you can deal with that…later, but the morning?

You got this!

What does this have to do with rejuvenation as the title says? Or was that just click-bait?

Well, I’m glad you asked.

Whatever is healthy for your body is also rejuvenating for your body. Whenever dedicate some time to care for your face, you are helping reverse and prevent signs of aging. And whenever you take some time to be still, search your heart, and replenish your soul, you are not just adding value to your life, you are adding youth. You don’t want a tired, old soul, do ya?

No. Nonono.

A morning routine doesn’t have to be an elaborate 10-step process, nor does it have to take a long time. You can squeeze it in with the time you have. It’s customizable.

Listen to your inner high-maintenance Chickie-self and figure out what would work for you. What is realistic with your busy schedule? And especially, what is something that you can stick with?

Because when it comes to rituals or routines of any kind, you do you, Chicki-poo.

So here are some suggestions to get you started on creating your own morning routine.

I’ve split them up into 3 categories: body, face, and soul so that it’s easy for you to create a well-rounded routine. Pick what works for you and leave the rest…it’s like choose your own adventure, only it’s a routine.

Here goes…

Choose your own morning routine

1. For the body

Choose your movement: you already know that moving your body is necessary for optimum health and extended youth. I’ve told you this before and I’m telling you again. Just find something that loosens the muscles and gets the blood flowing. Easy peasy. Here are your options:

♥ Stretch

♥ At-home yoga

♥ Go for a walk

♥ Dance around your house (no one is looking)

♥ Morning gym session

♥ A quick 20-minute HIIT session

Choose your hydration: It’s super important to hydrate first thing in the morning. Think about it, you haven’t had anything to drink in 7-9 hours (that’s how long you should be sleeping for optimum wellness). By the time you wake up, your body is likely, already a bit dehydrated, and so is your skin. Hydrating first thing is good for flushing out toxins, revving your metabolism, and helping digestion. Again, it’s about movement.

Your options (before coffee) are:

♥ One glass of water (option: add lemon for vitamin C, cucumber for added hydration and taste, or apple cider vinegar for digestion).

♥ Sparkling water: I know some people (like my sister) want to throw up in their mouths at the thought of drinking water first thing. If that’s you, try plain, sparkling water, or the ones that have lemon or lime, like Perrier or Pellegrino.

♥ Celery juice (it’s the latest and greatest)

♥ Green tea

♥ Coconut water

note: Diet Coke is not a morning drink. In fact. it’s poison and you should not drink it at any time, but especially first thing in the morning.

…Now you can have your coffee…slowly and savoring every sip.

Choose a healthy breakfast: Here are some of my favorites.

♥ Oatmeal with nuts and berries

♥ Eggs (options + turkey bacon + avocado + smoked salmon)

♥ Green smoothie

♥ Home-made granola with nuts and fruit (recipe coming to my Instagram soon).

If you don’t eat breakfast, that’s fine. I don’t have “breakfast” until 11:30 because I’m trying intermittent fasting.

2. For the face

I hope to God you have a morning skincare routine. If you don’t, there’s no time like the present. At a minimum do this…

♥ Cleanse

♥ Vitamin C serum

♥ Moisturizer


I like to take some time and massage the products into my face, giving my skin a good massage to get the blood flowing. I feel like it lifts and tightens my skin. Plus it gives me a nice youthful flush.

3. For the soul

This! This is key. Your beautiful and precious soul needs some self-care too. You need time to just be still and see what comes through for you.

♥ Sit still for 5-10 minutes. You can meditate, pray, just breathe, or sit in silence while you drink your favorite morning beverage.

♥ Journal. Doesn’t have to be a long story. Just five minutes to get your thoughts on paper. There are so many beautiful journals you can choose from. I’ve linked a couple of them below, but you can get cute ones at Target or Barnes & Noble. I journal every morning. you’d be surprised what shows up on paper.

Five Minute Journal

Start Where You Are

♥ Gratitude walk: Different than the “move your body walk.” This is a slow walk (or a dog walk) where you thank God, the Universe, Source, etc. Just focus on the things you are grateful for now and the things you are grateful for that haven’t yet happened. This is life-changing. it helps turn your focus on the positive.

We all have something to be grateful for…focus on those things a little while every day and it will change your perspective and your life. If you do nothing else, do this. Don’t have time for a walk? Take a gratitude drive. That works too.

So like I said, these are just some suggestions and things that I do each morning. Also, if you really are so busy that you can’t fit a good routine, do it on the weekend. The important thing is that you take a time-out just for you. You deserve that, no?

I hope it gives you some ideas that you can incorporate into your life. And let me know what your morning routine looks like. I’d love to know.






  1. Christine
    September 25, 2019 / 4:50 pm

    Love this, love you!! My “body” routine used to be popping up at the crack of dawn and working out for two hours. I may try to get back to that – but I’ve given my routine to “sleeping in”. I thought about how much sleep can really restore you – and I pretty much suck at it – so I figured allowing myself a second nap in the morning between 5am and 7am was a good thing. “Face” I have nailed! Gentle cleanse, Ole Henricksen Toner (helps with dark spots), Vitamin C, self tanner, hylauronic serum, nuface treatment if I have time, eye cream, peptide moisturizer, SPF. “Soul” it may sound odd but I have a crappy commute in the morning…not crappy compared to others…but heavy traffic, stop and go, impatient drivers (me included). I take time to pick something to think about. A task I want to accomplish. A problem I want to solve. A new feature for the company’s software. Maybe it’s just getting lost in music or listening to a comedy bit that makes me laugh.

    Water. Ah water. Okay – that’s my takeaway. I used to drink GALLONS of water a day and one day a couple of years back, I suddenly couldn’t. I felt like I was waterboarding myself. So I struggle with it. If I could get a pint glass in each morning, that would both help lengthen my fasting period AND it would get the hydration train started. So…pint glass by the bedstand. Happening tonight. I’ll keep you posted!

      September 30, 2019 / 10:59 am

      Haha. Please do. And don’t waterboard yourself, please! I’ve got something coming up for your commute. Stay tuned…

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