A Valentine’s Day Gift He Will Never Forget

A Valentine’s Day Gift He Will Never Forget

Hi there Chicky,

Last year, I gave my husband a Valentine’s Day gift he’ll never forget. Like ever! He still talks about it. After twenty-four years of marriage (then), plus three years of dating, I was all out of ideas. I wanted to give him something different, but sexy (It’s Valentine’s Day after all). I don’t remember how I came across the idea of having a boudoir photo session and making him a photo book of the images, but I’m so glad that I did.  As it turns out, the gift was as much for me as it was for him.

So first of all, let me start by saying that I had reservations about posting images for all to see. So I only posted one. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression. It’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of. It was something I did for my husband, and for myself, and I enjoyed every minute of it. We all have hangups, and what I want to convey here is that no matter how old you are, or what insecurities you have, this is about feeling sexy and comfortable in your own skin. It’s empowering as hell.

The key is to find a photographer that you feel comfortable with.  This experience should make you feel sexy and confident. If you’re not comfortable with the photographer, find another one. I googled a few, went on their websites and then spoke to a few on the phone. I finally decided on a couple (a married couple). He is the photographer and his wife is his assistant, so I never felt creeped out at all.

I do suggest a shot of tequila or a glass of wine beforehand to loosen up.  I went cold turkey so it took me a while to get comfortable in my skivvies in front of a camera, and in front of a strange man. But I thought “If not now, when?” And so I went for it. And I’m so glad I did!

The photographer asked a few questions, like is it a special occasion, that sort of thing. Then he suggested that I look through magazines or the internet and even his own website to get ideas for poses. I did that and found some poses I thought wouldn’t make me feel too stupid attempting. I saved them on my phone and showed it to the photographer the day of the shoot.  I also took some accessories, like pearls, a sexy masquerade mask, lingerie etc. I wanted to take my own things cuz I’m not wearing anyone else’s underwear. Just in case. Know what I mean?

Anyway. The whole process took about an hour and a half and by the time I left, I was giddy. I had stepped outside my comfort zone and it felt AMAZING. I thought, “look at what I’m doing that I never thought I’d do.” (I never thought I’d strip down and have a strange man take photos of me, like if I was some naive sixteen-year old being manipulated by a porn creeper).

My issue is that I do not like being in front of a camera dressed or otherwise.  Never have.  So please, when you see a picture of me on social media, specially a selfie, understand that there was a lot of mental preparation before hand.  It’s not my natural habitat. So this was definitely stepping outside my comfort zone. But these images are something both my husband and I will treasure and enjoy for years. So when we’re sitting in our rocking chairs in our eighties looking through the photo book, he can turn to me with a sparkle in his eye and say, “I remember when you gave this to me. Look how sexy you looked when you were a young girl” Haha. In your eighties, your forties and fifties will be your youth; It’s all relative.

There will never be the perfect time to do something like this. You will never feel like you have the perfect body. Or you may feel that you’re too old or that you’ll look rediculous. We all feel the way. But I encourage you to do it anyway. This is about celebrating where you are right now; your femininity, your sensuality and yes, your youth. Remember, you will never be this young again. This is the time in our lives to do the things we didn’t dare do when you were younger (at least I didn’t). Do it now. Grab onto any opportunity that will make you feel sexy and confident, and a badass spring chicky!

Whether you’re married, engaged, or have a boyfriend, I guarantee your man will love this special and sexy gift.  And he will appreciate you for being so daring. At least mine did. And if you’re single at the moment, then you need to gift this to yourself. You deserve to feel beautiful, sexy, and a little naughty.





  1. Christine (OriginalLittleMadness)
    October 2, 2017 / 8:52 pm

    I love it! I’ve only ever done them with my dear friend who is both a photographer and a makeup artist. People wonder why I do it when the images are not for mass consumption. I think most people underestimate how empowering it is. And…I love the mask! I found myself feeling the most free with a mask on. Funny thing, isn’t it?! You feel like a kindred spirit, V! I truly hope our paths cross!

    • positivelyvie@gmail.com
      October 3, 2017 / 1:03 am

      Aww me too, Christine. ANd I know they will.

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