A Hair Color That Will Save You Time And Money. What?

A Hair Color That Will Save You Time And Money. What?

My relationship with my hair colorist changed drastically a few months ago when I came across a new hair coloring product. It all started with Instagram (as all good, and bad things do). I was mindlessly scrolling when I came across an ad for hair color. I normally wouldn’t give something like this a second glance because it’s hair color, who cares? And I’m not wasn’t a DIY kinda girl-ish either. But…skip ahead to present me, and not only am I DIY-ing my hair color, but I’m saving money (for Botox), time, and my hair looks fab.

Initially, I resisted. I refused to get sucked into yet another unnecessary money-sucking internet scam. In the words of Paula Abdul in her 80’s hit song, Straight Up, “I’ve been fooled before.” After all, this ain’t my first Instagram-made-me-do-it rodeo. I’ve been led astray before, made to spend more money more times than I care to confess. (I’m talking to you, Spenser Barnes Neck Wand!)

But this is what made me take a second look and subsequently purchase the product. I’ve struggled to come to terms with my new high-maintenance reality, but I HATE going to the hair salon. So much so that I secretly envy the women who have gotten on board with the gray hair trend. Unfortunately, it’s not my thing. I can’t bring myself to embrace my ever-growing signs of follicle aging (or any signs of aging) – I’m far too vain for that.

This time, was different. This time, although I did eventually get sucked in, it worked – and I want to share it with you, who like myself, may have to color your hair so often you’re thinking about bringing decorative pillows and books to the salon to make it feel more like home.

I take Biotin which makes my hair grow super fast, which, in a younger me world, would be desirable. In my actual world though, it means having to cover grays very often.

So if you, like me, want to make fewer trips to the salon, save money (for Botox), and want to get amazing-looking hair color all from the comfort of your own bathroom, I’ve got the thing for you.

What The Heck Is It Already?

The company is called e-Salon and you get a custom, at-home hair coloring kit that’s shipped directly to your door. After you complete a quick online profile including uploading a picture of you that clearly shows your hair length and color, they (alledgedly) mix a color specifically for you. Even the bottle itself is individually dispensed and labeled with your name.

Gimmicky? Certainly. And I was still skeptical when it arrived. I was initially impressed with the attention to detail in their packaging and their thorough instructions, but still, it’s boxed hair color. gimme a break.

Then I applied it according to the instructions, washed it off, and blow-dried.

The Results

First of all, the coverage is amazing. Even the resistant grays that refuse to go into hiding with “professional” hair color were now cloaked in a beautiful shade of dark brown that looked like maybe, possibly, the very locks with which I was born. And my hair looked and felt super soft and healthy. And if that wasn’t enough to convert me into a loyal fan, after coloring my hair with this product, I received more compliments on my hair than ever before. Best part: It costs $25 for a single order and if you sign up for recurring shipments, it’s $10. So a little more than drugstore hair color but way less than salon hair color.

I have not been back to the salon. Although eventually I will have to return, and eventually, I will have to explain my absence and my shiny hair to my colorist.

If you’re interested in trying it yourself, here’s the link. This is not sponsored I just think it’s a great product, convenient, and at a reasonable price. Winner winner, spring chicken dinner.

Now you: Have you heard of e-Salon? Have you tried it? Let us know in the comments.


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