Will You Have A Last Fuckable Day?

Will You Have A Last Fuckable Day?

Hi there Chicky,

Have you seen the hilarious Amy Schumer sketch called Last Fuckable Day? If you haven’t, google it. If you’re of a certain age, you will understand why. Basically, it’s comedic sketch about older women in Hollywood having one “last fuckable day” after which they will no longer be believably fuckable. It’s basically making fun of the very serious problem of ageism in Hollywood. Look, I know this is a big deal in Hollywood and I feel for actresses, really. But it got me wondering about us (me): Do we normal, non-actress Chickies have a last fuckable day too?

With my 53rd birthday approaching (when I wrote this), this question was one I wanted to answer for personal reasons. Is there an invisible line where on one side we still have it going on, and then turn a certain age (what age I don’t know, I’m sure it’s different for everyone), and at at the stroke of midnight, we turn into unfuckable pumpkins?  Will men — husbands, boyfriends, friends with benefits, tinder matches — all of a sudden look at us and say, “um, no thanks,” and move on to a younger pussy cat?

Chickies, I kid you not, I, the self-professed youth pursuer, had not thought about this. Sure I want to stay young for a lot of reasons, but staying fuckable never occurred to me (well, maybe a little). I did talk about anti-aging our vaginas, but this is worse, this is about being rejected sexually, like being put out to sexual pasture.

So I took this question the only expert I know on my fuckability…my husband. I point blank asked him, “Do you think I’ll ever have a last fuckable day? He paused, looked at me like he always does when I ask or say something really weird, and then said, “No, baby, I think you’ll always be fuckable.”

This guy is a keeper.

He then added, “Anyway, if you ever become unfuckable, I’ll probably be there right along with you, so it won’t be a problem. We’ll be unfuckable together.”

But you see, there is a problem, because according to the sketch, and probably to real life, men don’t ever become unfuckable. Look at Sean Connery. He’s very fuckable. And so is Robert Redford. And hello? Tom Selleck is still very, very fuckable. Yes, yes I know, they’re actors, and good looking ones at that, but are actresses or women that same age considered fuckable (except maybe Susan Sarandon, who is solely holding down that fort?) No they are not. It’s the same in real life.

So what do we do about it? According to my husband, we should have lots of sex now, so if we do ever become unfuckable, we’ll have it all out of our system. He’s such a man.

But seriously, what do we do?

This is my take. I think that as long as we continue to take care of ourselves and look the best we can at any age, there will always be someone who is attracted to that; to the fact that we love and respect ourselves enough to want to present the best version of ourselves.

It’s not vanity, it’s self-respect. It’s not ego, it’s confidence.

There’s power in working hard to maintain your looks because, at a certain age, looks are no longer guaranteed, they’re earned. It takes hard work plain and simple. And it’s empowering. That empowerment translates to confidence, which at any age is sexy as hell. Men are attracted to confident women, and therefore we will remain forever fuckable. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

The point is this: It’s up to us to remain fuckable. And wait, before you call the feminism police, let me explain: I don’t think we should remain a certain way in order to be found attractive (or fuckable) by someone else. We should never give up that kind of power.

Look at it this way, if you stop taking care of yourself when you reach a certain age because you think your fuckable ship has sailed, guess what? It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And it won’t be because you’re older or not in as good shape as you used to be; it will be because you let yourself go. Letting yourself go will make you feel like crap — on the inside — where your confidence lives. You will carry yourself differently.

I’m here to remind you that your f-ship is still at harbor. But it’s up to you to keep it there. You have to do the things that keep you looking hot, which will, in turn, make you feel hot. It’s philosophical…

“I think I’m fuckable, therefore I am fuckable.”

Our vaginas don’t have a shelf life…I researched it. And we don’t have to either. So I think we should kick this ageism thing on its ass. I don’t know about Hollywood, and if they will ever give an older woman the “sexy” part. But in the real world, we don’t have to let a big shot producer — or any man for that matter — determine whether or not we are fuckable. It’s up to us to declare that we most definitely are.

Having said that though, if you’re on the “I don’t care if I ever have sex again,” camp, and you’re glad to finally relax, chug ice cream directly from the container like Julia Louis Dreyfus did in the sketch, then like I always say, you do you. There may come a time when I may feel that way, who knows. For now, I like working hard to stay fuckable.

Do you think we have a last fuckable day? And how many times can I write fuckable in one post? Sorry, I thought about changing it so I wouldn’t offend anyone, but it wouldn’t have had the same impact. Don’t you think?






  1. Leslie
    June 29, 2017 / 7:36 pm

    New subscriber here ….but had to tell you how much I am enjoying your content. Very I point for where I’m at on this journey. Looking forward to catching up on some of your previous posts and of course to future ones.

    • positivelyvie@gmail.com
      June 30, 2017 / 6:07 pm

      Thank you, Leslie, and welcome! So happy you found me. This journey is a rocky one for sure and one that few women talk about which is a shame. There is so much comfort knowing we all go through similar things. Please let me know anytime you want to know about something and I’ll do my best to search it. Also, i don’t know if you follow me on Instagram (@positivelyvie.com) but I post shorter tips and other goodies there too. Also, thank you so much for commenting.

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