Can You Grow Younger Using The Law of Attraction?

Can You Grow Younger Using The Law of Attraction?

Hi there, Chicky,

Today I wanted to share something I’ve been learning about and implementing in my life with regards to anti-aging. It’s based on the Law of Attraction. Naturally, I wondered if I could apply the same principles to my pursuit of youth. Why not? I already do everything else to stay young, you know that. I eat to stay young, I exercise to stay young, I do treatments and use skincare to stay young. I do it all. But what if my thoughts are my most potent anti-agers? Can one grow younger using the Law of Attraction?

While I will in no way abandon my anti-aging skincare routine, my healthful eating or exercise, I will make more of an effort to change my thoughts about this whole aging thang. The way I see it, I have nothing to lose and much youth to gain. So I’m giving it a go. Will you join me?


I’m sure many of you have heard of the law of Attraction from the book The Secret, but for those of you who are not familiar, the premise is essentially this: you are a magnet that attracts and creates what you focus on, good or bad.

Another way to put it, and using anti-aging as an example, is like this: Let’s say you look in the mirror and focus on your wrinkles, or your sagging skin, or your expanding waistline. Well, your body on some level will create more of that. If instead, you focus on a youthful face and a slim body, the universe will do a little rearranging and get you what you want. So basically, we need to stay focused on what we (I) want (firm, dewy skin, and a perky ass) and not on the reality, which is depressing.

If you feel old you cannot attract young. If you feel fat you cannot attract thin. Simple, right? Stay with me.

Look if this is true that our thoughts create our reality then I’m going to keep thinking I’m 35 and not 53. I kid that I’m in denial about getting older, but really, am I? I think I’ve been applying the Law of Attraction without even realizing it. And — I’m not making this up— I believe this to be true so deeply, that sometimes I’m shocked that I’m in actuality not younger.

Now, if you’re thinking, this woman has completely lost her mind, well, you may be right. But….what if there’s something to this and we’re missing out? I’ve always been interested in a power we cannot see, as a Christian, of course, that power to me is God. But whether you call it the universe, universal intelligence, source, whatever, I believe there is more than what meets the eye. And I believe we have more power over our lives than we give ourselves credit for.

If you’re not convinced and think this is super “woo woo” there’s actually the science to back this stuff up. You know I have to find the science. A number of recent studies show the beneficial effects of preserving a youthful identity (source). I plan on diving into the science more this year and get really nerdy, but for now…

I’ve decided to reprogram my mind to stay youthful

As I stated above, I’ve already been doing this without attributing it to the Law of Attraction to some extent — not only in maintaining a sense of being younger but by surrounding myself with younger people. You may know by now that we have good friends of the millennial persuasion. I surround myself with youth. When I’m with my friends we speak youthful things, act in youthful ways, and guess what? I feel — you guessed it — youthful.

So if you want to join me on this latest installment of younger me, I encourage you to try these three simple steps…


Be mindful of your thoughts and your inner (and outer) dialogue.

What are your beliefs about aging? Do you think decline, loss, and fear or do you think nope, not me?

Do you worry about getting older? If you do, keep this in mind: According to the law of Attraction, everything that comes your way you are attracting whether you want it or not. Worrying is using your imagination to get what you don’t want. If you worry about getting older then that’s what you’re focusing on and that’s what you are attracting to yourself.

It’s easy to focus on what is waning, meaning our youth. We all do it, we look in the mirror some days and just go, “ugh’. We focus on the wrinkles, and the graying hair, and the lack of muscle tone and everything that comes with an aging physical body. I’m guilty of this myself.

But we have a choice about how we are going to age. I choose to concentrate on what I want my body, my mind, and my life to be and not resign myself to what everyone thinks it will be.

We think approximately 60,000 thoughts a day and those thoughts have power. Why not use that power to create a life and a version of you that will not age?


Change your thoughts from an aging mindset to a youthful one. Your expectations about aging need to be shifted if your goal is a younger you. As long as you believe in decline, you will decline. If you continue to think you look old, you will.

This is my mantra: “I think I’m young, therefore I am.”

For example, when I work out, I believe that I am younger. I don’t go to the gym thinking that I’m 53 and I shouldn’t push myself or lower my expectations because of my age. Hell to the no! I work my body out like it’s 25 and I expect (really, I do) 25-year-old results. I set the bar high — or young. So far this has worked for me so I’m sticking with it.

Whenever a negative thought about how you look, or how you’re aging comes into your mind, switch. You can do one of these tricks…

• Make a mental picture in your mind of actually turning a switch every time you catch yourself thinking an “old” thought.

• Picture a stop sign and stop yourself immediately as soon as the decrepit thought pops into your youthful head. Truth be told, this actually makes me break out in a song and dance in my head:

Stop! In the name of love
Before you break my heart
Stop! In the name of love
Before you break my heart
Think it over
Think it over

Just keeping it real.

• Put a hair tie around your wrist and snap it every time you get a negative thought. The physical sensation will get you out of the negative space and help you switch your focus.

Replace the old or negative thoughts with thoughts of youth. Instead of saying I hate my wrinkles, say, I desire a youthful face. Instead of saying it’s too late for me or there’s nothing I can do, challenge it. And believe it.

It will take time and practice, but I’m excited to see the changes and shifts that I truly expect to happen.



Look, I don’t know if this will make a difference or not. I believe it will but only time will tell. In the meantime, I intend on enjoying my journey through the calendar and focusing on what I have control over. I have control over what I eat, what I do, and what I think.

In my little corner of the Universe, there will be no thoughts or talk about aging or anything associated with it. I forbid it. In fact, whenever my hubby complains about something to do with getting older like his knees hurt, or he’s forgetting things, I shut him up immediately (he just loves that). As we say in Cuban slang, “Pa ya, pa ya.” In other words, get that geriatric negative energy away from me, buddy, I’m in my youthful bubble and it shall not be pierced.

If you’re interested in exploring this subject further, here are some books I’ve read lately that I recommend. I have many more books on my Amazon cart but I won’t recommend them until I read them first.

A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson

You Are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dipenza

The Secret Method to Growing Younger by Ellen Wood

The Law of Attraction by Jerry Hicks and Esther Hicks

I would really love to know your thoughts on this topic. have you used The Law of Attraction in your life? Also, If you want me to continue to share this part of my journey let me know.










  1. Surabhi sahni
    August 10, 2018 / 12:07 am

    Hey! I’d like to be a part of this. I’m 25 and I’m already very worried about this whole getting older thing. It’s stopping me from doing so much…… Can u please get in touch with me and not take the number of years of experience spent on this planet into consideration

      August 15, 2018 / 4:37 pm

      Hi. I will certainly email you. No worries.

  2. May 31, 2019 / 6:44 am

    Excellent so many people give up when they reach retirement. They don’t try new things as they think it’s to late. The law of attraction changes all this making you positive until you die. (And afterwards).

  3. Ingegerd
    September 25, 2019 / 5:11 pm

    What a lovely uplifting article, you really have talent. Thank you and God Bless you sweet angel

      September 26, 2019 / 11:10 am

      Aww. Thank you so very much!

  4. Leo
    April 14, 2020 / 10:21 am

    I love your article! Very inspiring 🙂 I am chronologically a 32 year old guy. Although biologically I am, and forever will be, in me early 20’s. I’d like to share with you guys something that really works for me to rewire my brain and tricking my body into believing I am 21…I meditate. I do Dr Joe Dispenza’s meditations (I’m obsessed and addicted to his work). Specially I’d recommend the meditation “Changing beliefs and perceptions”. I meditate everyday. Its part of my daily routine. Give it a try and see your body actually growing younger each day.
    I’m an actor and recently I was called in to play a 15 year old boy in Wonder Woman 2 (no kidding). I ALWAYS get asked for ID when I go to clubs. Recently I went to an adult shop and was asked to leave because they thought I was underage. Also I boarded a plane a few weeks ago where there was a whole bunch of students going on a school trip on the same flight. I sat at the front of the plane and they all sat at the back. The air hostess came to me and asked me if I wanted to sit next to my classmates at the back xD And then going through security at the airport the guys looked at my dob on my passport and said to me “What the hell?!”
    So yeah, the loa works on this too. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. I’m the living example of this. So keep the great work up guys and keep growing YOUNGER!! 🙂

      May 4, 2020 / 1:25 pm

      That’s amazing. I read one of Joe Depnza’s books although I haven’t tried his meditations. I will definitely give it a try. Thanks so much for your comment.

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