Best Dermatologist for an Actress in a Leading or Presenting Role

Best Dermatologist for an Actress in a Leading or Presenting Role

The 2019 Academy Awards have come and gone and while everyone is talking about the dresses (was it a pink cotton candy theme?), and the surprise awards or Oscar snubs (poor, poor, Glenn Close), My eyes were focused on the stars faces — especially, the youthful faces, or more specifically, the youthful faces on the not so youthful actresses.  I was honed in on the red carpet-worthy skin and wondering…Who is her dermatologist?

It then occurred to me that there needs to be another category added to the Award show…

Best dermatologist for actress in a leading or presenting role

So we’re having our very own award show of sorts. We’ve carefully analyzed all the paparazzi photos, replayed the video, chose the nominees, and voted. There are only three of us voting, but still.

First an observation…

There was a definite trend on the carpet this year: less is more — no more over-inflated cheeks or over-filled lips. Botox? Yes, but they leave a little wrinkle in the crinkle. They look like themselves, not like wax figures of themselves.

That’s the objective with anti-aging. You want people to think you are a magical ageless unicorn, not that you spend a small fortune on your face. You want to look a younger version of current you, not like freakishly young. You know what I mean?

So without further ado, here are our five nominees…

Rachel Weisz (age 48)

I think what gives her her youthful appearance are her thick eyebrows — a relic of her youth.  To be honest, she’s nominated for the mere fact that she never succumbed to overplucking like the rest of us. If you look closely (I did) you can see that she’s had some smoothing of her forehead, although not a lot. Her neck shows some signs of aging, but we all know by now that the neck is the most challenging area to rejuvenate. Other than a few crows feet, she looks pretty damn young.


Jennifer Lopez (age 49)

Come on JLo, spill the beans already…help a sister out (or millions of sisters). For years, I have been hoping this forever-young star reveals just a little bit of her anti-aging routine. Could her dermatologist reside in my own town? She does have a home in Miami, so it could be possible. More likely, though, her derm makes special house calls.

What can I say? She looks amazing. There’s not a slack in that jaw, not a crinkle on the side of her eyes, not a deflated part of her face. Yet she has that “it’s my genes” youthful look.

I read somewhere once that she has special laser machines in her home ready to zap or tighten at a moments notice. I don’t know if this is true. If I had her money and fame, I’d have a live-in dermatologist instead of a live-in nanny and a state of the art youth lab adjacent to my home gym.

Regina King(age 48)

She is so cute and youthful looking! It could be her sassy attitude. It could be great cosmetic treatments. Probably both. She looks like she hasn’t had anything done, which is precisely the point of cosmetic treatments — no one is supposed to know for sure. But let me tell you, no one arrives at 48 unscathed, no one (not even celebrities) get a pass on aging. She must have an amazing dermatologist which is the reason he/she is one of the nominees.

Barbara Streisand (age 76)

Babs looks the same today (or Sunday night) as she did 20 years ago when she did that movie with Jeff Bridges. Well, not the same exactly, but she looks better than Jeff Bridges. She’s obviously had more done than fillers and Botox, but who cares? Her skin looks smooth, she looks like herself, she looks natural. I like it. And she’s freaking Barabara Streisand.

Julia Roberts (age 51)

Julia Roberts should be the poster girl for doing anti-aging right. Does she not look like she’s in her late 30’s? Maybe it’s her smile, or the twinkle in her eye, or the best damn dermatologist on the planet! The only obvious thing to me is the very smooth forehead, other than that, she looks like her pretty woman self only a little more seasoned. It’s no wonder she’s been voted People’s most beautiful woman five times. She should be voted People’s most youthful-looking woman too.

…And the Oscar goes to… (queue in drum roll)

Julia Roberts’ Dermatologist

Your turn: Who was your favorite dermatologist to the stars? Share your thoughts below.







  1. Christine
    February 27, 2019 / 12:22 pm

    I totally agree with your picks. Regina King’s arms though. What?! It’s interesting because often having a wee bit of extra weight helps with the plumpness of the face but damn…these lovely women are inspirational at any age. I obsessively zoom in on photos of Gwen Stefani too – looking for what photos are retouched. Love this Oscar offshoot!

      February 28, 2019 / 4:08 pm

      I know what you mean about the extra weight. But I’d rather be thin/fit and fill the cheeks at the derm, haha.

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