6 Things You Can Do To Live Your Life Young

6 Things You Can Do To Live Your Life Young

Hi there Chicky!

I recently read an article on Steven Tyler – the legendary rockstar and of course, American Idol host. In the article, Steven (I’m sure he’d want me to call him that), talks about his insatiable lust for life; how he still lives the life of a twenty year old and continues to dream and savor his life.

You could say that in the last several years I too have changed how I view age. I have have adopted that same attitude on life and getting older, probably because I too am all too familiar with the quick passing of time…ya know, that darn clock.

Our generation will live longer than generation before us.  That’s a lot of years. It’s up to us to take better care of ourselves so that we enjoy as many of those years as possible….and do it looking and feeling youthful.

To let yourself go is to cheat yourself of your many more youthful years…or as at Steven Tyler puts it, “…to lose the game of life.”

I’ve noticed that a lot of people my age – both men and women- start to “age” on the inside way too soon. Around their early forties, they start losing interest in youthful activities.  They believe the lie of our youth-obsessed culture – that after forty it’s all downhill. They believe that all the good- good times, good looks, and good sex is in the past – and that what’s left is deterioration and decline. In fact, I know people (especially women), who think they’re old because they’ve turned 30! Honey, honey, honey (shaking my finger), pa-leeze.

How you grow older is up to you.

Regardless of our age, we can live a life rich in experiences, friendships, love, and fun. There is no expiration date on enjoying life. Is there?

So if you’re starting to feel like your best years are behind ya, read on. Here are 6 things you can do to live your life young:

1-Keep yourself looking youthful

This blog is all about that baby. If you want to be part of the youth tribe, you need to look the part. If you think you look young, you’ll continue to act young. But if you look in the mirror and the person staring back at you could be your mom, you’ll act that part too. So keep a youthful appearance and you’ll be more motivated to keep a youthful perspective.

 2-Try something new

You know the saying…”When was the last time you did something for the first time?”

Whether it’s learning a new skill, or a new sport, or anything that keeps your mind engaged and active. You’re never too old to discover something new or try something for the first time. Be daring. Be sexy. Take a pole dancing class or take up belly dancing. If you’re too embarrassed to do this in public, by a video and do it in the privacy of your own bedroom. Who cares if you think you look ridiculous.  Honey, us Chickies are too old to worry about what other people think.  That’s one of the few perks about this aging thing. It ain’t all bad.

3-Stay out late

Okay, this one is not for everyone. And I don’t mean every weekend obviously, we’re too old for that. Wait! Did I just write that?! Delete, delete. But seriously, I’ve had fleeting moments of – what the hell do I think I’m doing? But, after another shot of tequila, I’m good to go. You didn’t hear that from me.

The next morning, I may seriously question my poor choices, but after some Advil, and some re-charging of the the old batteries (which takes a lot longer than it used to), I’m high-five-ing my hubby saying “ We still got it going on baby!”

The point is – do something you did back when you had the energy to do it. In other words, fake it till you make it. Doing something you haven’t done in a long time gives you a little youth boost.

4-Hang out with younger people

Part of the process of living our lives young is understanding the role of the people with whom we surround ourselves. If you surround yourself with people who have given up on the game of life, then you’ll be more inclined to think like they do.

As my mother always said: “Dime con quien tu andas y te dire quien eres.” Translation: Tell me who you hang with and I’ll tell you who you are. In other words: If you hang around old thinking people, you will be old thinking yo self.

Of course I’m not saying to get rid of all the older people in your life. What I am saying is not to join in the “old people” parade.

Surround yourself with youthful-minded people, or people who act young, and you’ll develop a youthful attitude yourself. They will motivate you to stay fit, to young looking, and to savor life. Its refreshing, it’s contagious, and it injects new “young” blood into your veins. Its like a youth transfusion.

5-Stop the geriatric self talk

Just don’t. Really. Don’t. My parents do it, but they’re in their 70’s – and it still drives me nuts. But when I hear people my age, and younger even, talking old – I want to shake them till they stop. Be aware of your language about aging. Talk about things that young people talk about (which is why you should do the above tip first), like music, and life, and possibilities, and sex – yes, they talk about sex, like in a good way.

Don’t use these words: “I’m too old for that”. You will never, ever hear those words come out of my mouth. I may think them. I may be really close to spewing them in certain situations. But I stop myself. If you constantly tell yourself your’e too old for …. whatever it is, then guess what? You will be too old – and you’re not too old. You are a Spring Chick!

Remember: youth is relative. If you live to be 90, then being in your 40’s or 50’s is youn-gish.

6-Stay healthy

Because without it all the rest is irrelevant. Eat right, exercise, take some solo time to meditate or just be. Taking good care of ourselves is the single most important thing we can do to stay youthful. Without our health, nothing else matters.

According to Steven Tyler “I live on an elliptical machine to be in shape for life.” – I love that!

Youth is an attitude. It’s the desire to remain interested and engaged in life; to try new things, discover new places, explore parts of yourself you didn’t know existed. keep learning and keep growing and most of all like the famous Steven Tyler song says, “Dream on” – or as another rock legend put it, “It ain’t over till its over”.

I’d love to hear the ways you live your life young. Share the youth!




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